
[스크랩] Red sails in The Sunset - The Platters(Saxophone 연주)

mistyblue 2012. 7. 19. 23:35




Red sails in The Sunset (황혼의 붉은 돛을 달고)




All over the sea


Oh,carry my loved one       


Home safely to me


She sailed at the dawning


All day I`ve been blue


Red sails in the sunset


I`m trusting in you


Swift wings you must borrow


Make straight for the shore


We marry tomorrow


And you will go sailing no more


Red sails in the sunset


All over the sea


Oh,carry my loved one       


Home safely to me



Swift wings you must borrow


Make straight for the shore


We marry tomorrow


And you will go sailing no more


Red sails in the sunset


All over the sea


Oh,carry my loved one       


Home safely to me


Oh,carry my loved one       


Home safely to me


출처 : 無名之人(무명지인)
글쓴이 : 無名之人 원글보기
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