Length 13.9 metres
Height 4.02 metres
Rotor diameter 14.63 metres
Powerplant 2 General Electric T700-401 rated at 1,625 shp
사진은 AGM-114 헬파이어 발사하는 모습입니다.
Empty weight 12,200 lbs (10,920 lbs)
Maximum gross weight 16,800 lbs (14,750 lbs)
Internal fuel 2755 lbs(2,086 lbs)
Maximum ordnance 3,914 lbs (1,661 lbs)
Hovering out of ground effect (HOGE) gross weight 16,600 lbs (10,300 lbs)
Maximum airspeed 210 knots (170 knots)
Cruise speed at altitude 3,000 ft and 91.5 deg F 148 knots (137 knots)
Cruise speed at altitude 4,000 ft and 95 deg F 137 knots (131 knots)
Maximum range with 20 minutes reserve fuel 350 nautical miles
Endurance with 20 minutes reserve fuel 3 hours 30 minutes (2 h 48 min)
Maximum g-load +3.2 g (+2.5g)
Minimum g-load -0.5 g (+0.5g)
Vertical rate of climb at altitude 3,000 ft 1,740 ft/minute (645 ft/minute)
Vertical rate of climb at altitude 4,000 ft 1,386 ft/minute (315 ft/minute)
Vertical rate of climb at altitude 4,000 ft 1,386 ft/minute (315 ft/minute)
출처 : 열 린 바 다
글쓴이 : null 원글보기
메모 :
'military' 카테고리의 다른 글
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