Pop·Rock & Metal·Country·샹송 기타

[스크랩] Sheila Ryan -- Evening Bell

mistyblue 2011. 9. 4. 16:54



Evening Bell


Those ev'ning bells those ev'ning bells,
How many a tale their music tells  
Of youth and home and that sweet time, 
When last I heard their soothing chime.  

Those joyous hours are past away,  
And many a heart that then was gay  
Within the tomb now darkly dwells  
And hears no more these ev'ning bells.  

And so 'twill be when I am gone,  
That tunefull peal will still ring on
While other bards will walk these dells  
And sing your praise sweet ev'ning bells. 

Those ev'ning bells those ev'ning bells,  
How many a tale their music tells  
Of youth and home and that sweet time,
When last I heard their soothing chime


출처 : Blues
글쓴이 : 발라드 원글보기
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