
[스크랩] Limelight /Arcker Bilk연주

mistyblue 2011. 11. 6. 15:42
Limelight OST 
I'll be loving you eternally 
With a love that's true, eternally 
From the start, within my heart 
It seems I've always known 
The sun would shine 
When you were mine 
And mine alone 
I'll be loving you eternally 
There'll be no one new, my dear, for me 
Though the sky should fall 
Remember I shall always be 
Forever true and loving you 
Though the sky should fall 
Remember I shall always be 
Forever true and loving you 

출처 : 노을이 있는 님프의 쉼터
글쓴이 : 님 프 원글보기
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