Pop·Rock & Metal·Country·샹송 기타

[스크랩] In A Land Where We`ll Never Grow Old

mistyblue 2011. 12. 20. 20:41

Never Grow Old

James Cleveland Moore(1888-1962)

- Bap­tist min­is­ter, and a sing­ing teach­er

- Buried: Beth­el Bap­tist Church, near Sy­ca­more, Georg­ia.




I have heard of a land On the faraway strand
This a beautiful home of the soul
Built by Jesus on high There we never shall die
This the land where we'll never grow old.

" Never grow old, never grow old
" In the land where we'll never grow old
" Never grow old, never grow old
" In the land where we'll never grow old.

When our work here is done  And the life's crown is won
And our troubles and trials are o'er
All our sorrow will end And our voices will blend
With the loved ones who've gone on before.

출처 : (노래와 함께 하는) 깨달음의 산책
글쓴이 : 럭스Lux 원글보기
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