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[스크랩] I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

mistyblue 2011. 12. 20. 21:07

1994 .   Alison Krauss (1971 ~ )

  I  Know Who Holds Tomorrow (©1950)

 Words & Music by

 Ira Stanphill.(1914-1993)

  Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 14, 1914, Bell­view, New Mex­i­co. 

  Died: De­cem­ber 30, 1993, Over­land Park, Kan­sas. 

  Buried: John­son Coun­ty Me­mor­i­al Gar­dens,

              John­son Coun­ty, Kan­sas.

Stanphill was an As­sem­blies of God pas­tor,

sing­er, and Gos­pel song­writ­er. A gift­ed mu­si­cian,

he was al­rea­dy play­ing pi­a­no, or­gan, uku­le­le and ac­cor­di­on by age 10.

By the time he reached 17, he was com­pos­ing and sing­ing, par­ti­ci­pat­ing in re­viv­al cru­sad­es,

pray­er meet­ings, and tent cam­paigns.

He grad­u­at­ed from the Jun­ior Coll­ege in Chil­li­co­the, Mis­sou­ri, and was lat­er award­ed

an hon­o­rary Ph.D. from Hyles-An­der­son Coll­ege in In­di­a­na.

As a sing­ing evan­gel­ist, he preached all over Amer­i­ca and in over 40 other count­ries.

He was in­duct­ed  in­to the Gos­pel Mu­sic Hall of Fame in 1981,

and pub­lished his au­to­bi­o­graphy, This Side of Heav­en, in 1983.

sing­er, and Gos­pel song­writ­er 였으며, 하나님의교회 목사였던,(Ph.d.)
Ira Stanphill.(1914-1993) ....

'아이라'는 이미 10살되던해에
피아노 오르간은 물론 우크레레 아코디언 등을 연주하고 있었던
음악-신동 이었답니다..(스타킹 ...) ...

17세 되던해에 작곡을 본격적으로하여 각종 집회 참석을 하며 보급하기 시작했다고 합니다.,
미국은 물론 40여개국을 돌며 가르쳤구요 ...
1981년에 the Gos­pel Mu­sic Hall of Fame 에 올려졌읍니다.

1983년에 'This Side of Heav­en' 그의 자서전이 출판되었고 ....

그해 마지막 날 캔자스에 있는 John­son Coun­ty Me­mor­i­al Gar­dens에 묻혔읍니다.

I don't know about tomorrow; I just live from day to day.
I don't borrow from its sunshine For its skies may turn to grey.

I don't worry o'er the future, For I know what Jesus said.
And today I'll walk beside Him, For He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow And I know who holds my hand.

Every step is getting brighter as the golden stairs I climb;
Every burden's getting lighter, Every cloud is silver-lined.

There the sun is always shining, There no tear will dim the eye;
At the ending of the rainbow Where the mountains touch the sky.

출처 : (노래와 함께 하는) 깨달음의 산책
글쓴이 : 럭스Lux 원글보기
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