Pop·Rock & Metal·Country·샹송 기타

[스크랩] Three Ravens - Peter, Paul & Mary

mistyblue 2012. 1. 24. 11:52


   정든 병 


     / 허수경

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Three Ravens/Peter, Paul & Mary


There were three ravens sat on a tree
Down a down hey down a down
And they were black as they might be with a down
The one of them said to his mate
What shall we for our breakfast take
With a down derry derry derry down down

Down in yonder green field
Down a down hey down a down
There lies a knight slain under his shield with a down
Down there comes a fallow doe
As great with young as she might go
With a down derry derry derry down down

She lifted up his bloody head
Down a down hey down a down
And kissed his wounds that were so red with a down
She got him up across her back
And carried him to the earthen lack
With a down derry derry derry down down

She buried him before his prime
Down a down hey down a down
She was dead herself ere evening time with a down
God send every gentlemen
Fine hawks fine hounds and such a loved one
With a down derry derry derry down




출처 : 상아의 추억
글쓴이 : 윤성 원글보기
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