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[스크랩] Anita Lane / Bella Ciao (안녕내사랑).사베지 로즈 앤니셋(Savage Rose -

mistyblue 2012. 1. 29. 01:59


Anita Lane / Bella Ciao (안녕내사랑) 

Bella Ciao /Anita Lane

Early one mornig I was awakenend
oh Bella ciao, bella ciao,

bella ciao ciao ciao
and early one mornig I was awakenend
and found the enemy was here.

Oh Partisan, take me from this place
oh Bella ciao, bella ciao,

bella ciao ciao ciao
oh Partisan, take me from this place
because I feel I´m dying here.

And if I die, up on that mountain
oh bella ciao, bella ciao,

bella ciao ciao ciao
and if I die, up on that mountain,
then you must bury me up there.

Bury me high up, up on that mountain
oh bella ciao, bella ciao,

bella ciao ciao ciao
bury me high up, up on that mountain
and let the flower walk my way.

Oh Partisan, take me from this place
oh Bella ciao, bella ciao,

bella ciao ciao ciao
oh Partisan, take me from this place
because I feel I´m dying here.
Ciao Ciao Ciao

 Bella Ciao 
Anita Lane / Bella Ciao
사용자 삽입 이미지 
Anita Lane / Bella Ciao
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전세계 투쟁가요로 불리는 곡이기도 합니다


And in one mornig I was awakenend
oh Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
and in one mornig I was awakenend
and found the enemy was here.


그날 아침에 일어났을 때
오 내 사랑 안녕, 안녕 내 사랑 안녕, 안녕, 안녕
그날 아침에 깨어났을 때 침략자들을 발견했다오

Oh Partisan, take me from this place
oh Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
oh Partisan, take me from this

place because I feel I´m dying here.


애국투사여, 나를 데려가 주오.
오 내 사랑 안녕, 안녕 내 사랑 안녕, 안녕, 안녕
애국투사여 나를 데려가 주오 조국 위해 투쟁할 수 있도록

And if I die, up on that mountain
oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
and if I die, up on that mountain,

then you must bury me up there.


내가 애국투사로 죽거들랑
오 내 사랑 안녕, 안녕 내 사랑 안녕, 안녕, 안녕
내가 애국투사로 죽거들랑 나를 묻어주어야 하오

Bury me high up, up on that mountain
oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
bury me high up, up on that mountain
and let the flower walk my way.


나를 산 밑에 묻어주오
오 내 사랑 안녕, 안녕 내 사랑 안녕, 안녕, 안녕
나를 산 밑에 묻어주오
아름다운 꽃 그늘 아래

Anita Lane - bella ciao

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사베지 로즈 앤니셋(Savage Rose - Annisette)

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