Clint Eastwood
인상파 이스트우드 - 익숙한 모습.
Clint Eastwood 76 years - 영화인생의 전부가 담겨있는 영상
1930년 5월 31일 미국 캘리포니아주 샌프란시스코 출생
넘 귀여운 아기 클린트 이스트우드 모습
클린트 이스트우드만큼 다채로운 이력의 소유자도 없을 것이다. 이스트우드는 TV 서부극시리즈를 시작으로 한때 흥행순위의 상위를 독식한 스타였고 나이 들어서는 감독으로 비평가들의 찬사를 받는 거장의 위치에 성공적으로 올라섰다. 제작자로서는 주로 중간 규모 예산의 영화를 만드는 맬파소라는 프로덕션을 가지고 있으며, 정치적으로는 캘리포니아 카멜시에서 민선시장을 역임하기도 했다. 카멜시에는 그가 운영하는 레스토랑도 있다.
이스트우드는 떠돌이 노동자 생활을 하던 부모 밑에서 자랐다. 미국 공황기이던 1930년 5월 31일 샌프란시스코에서 떠돌이 노동자 생활을 하던 부모의 아들로 태어났다. 고등학교 졸업 후 벌채 노동자, 소방수 등 일용 노동직을 전전하며 피아노 연주가와 미군의 수영교사로 일하기도 했다. 군대에서 수영교관 노릇을 하기도 했던 이스트우드는 군복무기간중 G I 빌로 로스앤젤레스 시립대학교에서 경영학을 공부하는 한편 일단의 헐리우드 배우들을 만난 것을 계기로 1953년 로스앤젤리스로 거주지를 옮긴다. 전역한 뒤 유니버설사 소품 창고의 트럭운전수 등으로 일하던 클린트 이스트우드는 50년대 유니버설에서 제작된 일련의 B급 영화들에 출연하며 배우로서의 경력을 시작했다. B급영화에 출연하던 이스트우드는 1959년 유니버설을 벗어나 뉴욕에 가서 찍은 TV 시리즈 <로우하이드>(1959-1966)에서 상사 로우디 예이츠 역을 맡으며 그 특유의 미니멀리스트 연기를 개발해내기 시작했으며 점차 이름을 알리며 인기를 얻기 시작했다.
<Rawhide 로하이드>의 로우디 예이츠(Rowdy Yates )역 - 젊은 이스트우드는 좀 적응이 안되지만 꽃미남 모습도 멋지다.
젊은 시절의 이스트우드 - 살인미소의 전형을 보여준다.
1964년부터 시작된 세르지오 레오네의 스파게티(마카로니) 웨스턴 3부작 <황야의 무법자>(64)와 <석양의 건맨>(65), <속 석양의 건맨>(66)의 ‘이름 없는 남자(블론디)’로 출연하면서 성공하게 되었고, 1960년대 허무주의의 전형으로서의 컬트스타로 숭앙받기 시작했다.
낡은 판쵸를 두르고 찡그리며 담배 피는 그의 모습은 서부영화의 새로운 아이콘으로 부상한다. 고전적 서부극의 근엄함을 완전히 뒤집으며 과장된 제스처로 가득찬 마카로니웨스턴의 스타로 출세했다는 점은 이후 그의 영화세계에 중요한 바탕이 된다.
마카로니 웨스턴의 히어로 '블론디' 역 - 지저분한데도 멋진 캐릭터. 그의 큰 키가 한 몫을 한 게 아닐런지...간지지존
황금비율 스타일 만점의 이스트우드 - 절대지존간지
1968년 <쿠간의 허세,Coogan's Bluff>로 60년대 B급 장르 영화의 작가주의자 돈 시겔과 만난 클린트 이스트우드는 <더티 하리> 시리즈의 해리 칼라한 역을 거치며 60년대와 70년대를 풍미한 베트남전 시대의 안티 히어로로서 스타 이미지를 확립했다.
'월트 쿠간' 역 - 형사 캐릭터(여기서는 보안관)의 시작인가?
1970년대 들어서는 망나니 형사의 원조인 <더티 하리>에서 주연인 해리 캘러한 역을 맡아 액션스타로서 새롭게 태어난다. 그렇다 해도 이스트우드는 오늘의 액션스타 이미지와는 완전히 달랐다. 파시스트적이며 편집광적인 해리는 60년대적 방종에 대한 미국 기성질서의 광적 혐오감을 서부극의 무법자 캐릭터에 주입한 매우 모순적이고 함축적인 캐릭터였기 때문이다. 이스트우드는 이 캐릭터를 옹호하는 발언을 자주 했고 로널드 레이건과의 친분까지 구설수에 오르면서 진보적 비평가들로부터 비난을 사기도 했다. 여하튼 <더티 하리> 시리즈는 이스트우드의 스타 이미지를 더욱 복합적으로 만들면서 가장 인기있는 시리즈 영화의 목록에 오른다. 1971년에 시작된 <더티 하리> 시리즈는 1988년 <더티 하리5>에까지 이어지게 된다.
'더티 해리' 시리즈의 해리 캘러한 형사 역 - 선글라스와 치솟은 콧날의 멋진 어우러짐 ^^ 옆선지존 넘 멋져!
배우로서 전성기를 이어가는 와중인 1971년 클린트 이스트우드는 자신의 프로덕션 회사 말파소를 설립하고 <어둠 속에 벨이 울릴 때 Play Misty for Me>로 감독 데뷔한다. 클린트 이스트우드에게 감독의 길을 권유한 것은 돈 시겔로 알려져 있다. 이 영화에서 이스트우드는 돈 시겔(카메오 출연을 함)의 영향 아래에서 감독 경력을 시작한다
매일 같은 음악을 요청하는 편집증적인 한 여인과 DJ의 심리게임을 매우 세련되게 그린 스릴러였다.
- 지방방송국의 인기DJ 데이브 가버 역 - 부드러운 미소와 허스키한 목소리의 조화. 넘 멋진 음악도 인기에 한몫!
이후 제작사 말파소를 통하여 감독 작품을 포함한 일련의 영화들을 제작하기 시작한다.
<황야의 스트레인져>(73), <무법자 조시 웨일즈>(76), <건레트>(77), <화이어 폭스 Firefox>(82) <서든 임팩트 Sudden Impact> (1983) 등의 흥행 액션작들의 초기 감독작들은 스파게티 웨스턴과 <더티 하리> 시리즈를 통하여 구축된 스타 아이콘으로서의 스스로에 대한 인용과 그의 스승들인 세르지오 레오네와 돈 시겔의 자장 내에서 작업하는 일련의 시행착오 속에서 이루어진 느린 성장의 결과물들이다.
1985년 클린트 이스트우드는 포스트모던 웨스턴 <페일 라이더 Pale Rider>에 이르러 존 포드와 세르지오 레오네를 경유한 웨스턴의 역사를 무덤 속에서 불러와 반영으로 사유하기 시작했다.
금광채굴마을에 찾아든 정체불명의 성직자를 주인공으로 내세운 이 기묘한 서부극은 형식이나 스타일이 두드러지지 않지만 캐릭터의 깊이를 이끌어내는 사색적 연출이 돋보였던 작가 감독으로서의 역량을 인정받게 한 작품이다.
전설적인 재즈음악가인 비밥의 혁명아 찰리 파커의 생애를 그린 <버드 Bird>(1988)는 흥행, 비평 양면에서 모두 큰 성공을 거둔다. 내적인 삶에 상처받고 의사소통이 닫힌 한 남자에 대한 묘사를 한 이 작품은 이스트우드가 인물을 그려내는 힘이 일정 정도 경지에 올랐음을 보여줬고, 한 정점을 이루게 된다.
이후 반의 실패와 반의 성공을 거듭하던 클린트 이스트우드는 예술가의 내면과 허위의식을 예리하게 관찰한 수작 <추악한 사냥꾼 White Hunter, Black Heart>(1990)을 연출한다. '존 휴스턴' 감독이 <아프리카의 여왕>을 ‘만드는 과정’을 다루는 영화에 관한 영화의 에피소드를 재구성하여 마침내 제작자-감독-배우의 삼위일체를 이룬 고전적인 완전작가의 경지에 올라선다.
그리고 가벼운 변주곡 <후계자>를 거쳐 그 누구도 예상치 않았던 웨스턴 영화의 걸작 <용서받지 못한 자>로 만장일치의 평가를 이끌어냈다. 여기서 이스트우드는 한편으로는 웨스턴 장르 속에 들어가서 리얼리즘의 세계를 바라보며 그 내부의 진정성을 탐색하고 또 한편으로는 그 자신의 영화 속 페르소나의 내재성에 관한 반성의 사유를 모색한다. 그것은 미스테리 웨스턴 <황야의 스트레인져>로부터 <무법자 조시 웨일즈>와 <페일 라이더>를 거친 그의 웨스턴 장르 탐구의 총화로서 ‘반영과 성찰의 웨스턴’에 도달한 하나의 완성점이다.
그의 이름을 명실상부한 거장의 반열에 오르게 한 작품은 아카데미 작품상 및 감독상 수상작인 <용서받지 못한 자 Unforgiven>(1992)였다. 자신이 출연했던 서부극의 관습을 뒤집은 이 영화에서 이스트우드는 현대 미국사회에 대한 냉정한 통찰을 드러내는 데 그치지 않고 자신의 영화적 이력에 대한 고통스럽고 깊은 명상에 잠겨 있는 것처럼 보였다. 장르영화의 힘, 그것의 엄청난 대중성을 가능케 한 배후의 구조와 이데올로기, 그것을 통해 스타에 이르게 된 자신 모두가 이 성찰의 대상이 되고, 이 도저한 명상적 자세가 영화 전체에 불가해한 위엄을 부여한다.
엔딩 크레딧에 '세르지오와 돈에게 바친다(Dedicated to Sergio and Don)'라는 문구를 넣어 세르지오 레오네와 돈 시겔 감독 두 사람을 기렸다.
용서받지 못한 자 William Munny 역 - 은퇴한 무법자
다음 작품은 한 탈옥수의 여정과 그와 소년과의 서글픈 우정을 그린 <퍼펙트 월드 Perfect World>(1993). 단순한 휴먼드라마처럼 보이지만 미국사회의 폭력성과 이상사회에의 동경을 가슴저리게 묘사한 수작이었다. 1993년 말파소가 있는 자신의 홈타운 카멜 시의 시장으로 당선되기도 한 클린트 이스트우드는 이 영화에서 서부영화의 타자로서, 갱스터 영화 속을 통과해나가던 이미지로서의 스스로를 넘어서 사유하는 자의 경지에 다다른다.
<매디슨 카운티의 다리 The Bridges of Madison County>(1995)는 두 전작의 무게에 비하면 마치 휴식 같은 소품이었다. 로버트 제임스 월러의 동명의 베스트셀러 소설을 영화로 옮긴 이 영화에서는 노스탤지어에 잠긴 멜러드라마 속에서 세상의 지혜를 건네며 헐리우드의 입지전적인 ‘스타’가 이제 대가의 경지에 올랐음을 보여주었다.
한 도둑이 거대한 국가적 음모에 어쩔 수 없이 개입해가는 과정을 그린 <앱솔루트 파워 Absolute Power> (1997) 역시 주류 액션영화의 공식을 전혀 거스르지 않은 대중성 강한 장르영화. 백악관의 ‘절대권력’에 맞서는 도둑의 이야기인 이 영화를 완성한 클린트 이스트우드에 대해 <까이에 뒤 시네마>는 우리 시대의 존 포드의 자리에 입지시켰으며, 그가 만들어내는 영화의 자연주의는 장 르노와르 ‘이후’ 유일한 것이라고 평가하고 있다.
국내에 전혀 알려지지 않고 비디오로만 조용히 출시된 <미드나잇 가든 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil>(1998)에서 이스트우드의 거장으로서의 면모는 다시 확인된다. 사바나라는 작은 마을에서 벌어지는 사건을 한 기자의 눈으로 관찰한 이 영화는 반전과 스릴은 아랑곳없다는 듯 극히 느린 발걸음으로 흐르다, 마침내 이 호화롭고 잡다하고 나른하고 추악한 도시가 미국사회의 정밀한 축도임을 확인케 한다. 스타일에 전혀 의존하지 않고 이야기와 캐릭터만으로 이만큼 묵직한 의미를 전하는 감독은 적어도 할리우드에선 이스트우드 외에는 없으며, 그런 의미에서 그는 희귀한 고전적 작가다.
황야의 무법자 (Per Qualche Dollari in Più/For A Few Dollar, 1965) ★★★★☆
석양의 건맨 (Per qualche dollaro in più / For a Few Dollars More , 1965) ★★★★
속 석양의 건맨 - 석양에 돌아오다 (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, 1966) ★★★★
일망타진 (Coogan's Bluff, 1968) ★★★★
페인트 유어 웨건 (Paint Your Wagon, 1969) ★
켈리의 영웅들 (Kelly's Heroes, 1970) ★☆
매혹당한 사람들 (The Beguiled, 1971) ★★★☆
더티 해리 (Dirty Harry, 1971) ★★★★
어둠 속에 벨이 울릴때 (Play Misty for Me, 1971) ★★★★
평원의 무법자 (High Plains Drifter, 1972) ★★★
대도적 (Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, 1974) ★★★★
아이거 빙벽 (The Eiger Sanction, 1975) ★★
무법자 조시 웰스 (The Outlaw Josey Wales, 1976) ★★★★
알카트라즈 탈출 (Escape from Alcatraz, 1979) ★★★★
브론코 빌리 (Bronco Billy, 1980) ★★★
승리의 전쟁 (Heartbreak Ridge, 1986)
추악한 사냥꾼 (White Hunter, Black Heart, 1990) ★★★
용서받지 못한자 (Unforgiven, 1992) ★★★★
사선에서 (In the Line of Fire, 1993) ★★★★
퍼펙트 월드 (A Perfect World, 1993) ★★★★☆
메디슨 카운티의 다리 (The Bridges of Madison County, 1995) ★★★★
앱솔루트 파워 (Absolute Power, 1997) ★★★
트루 크라임 (True Crime, 1999) ★★★★
스페이스 카우보이 (Space Cowboys, 2000) ★★★★
블러드 워크 (Blood Work, 2002) ★★★★
밀리언 달러 베이비 (Million Dollar Baby, 2004, Frankie Dunn 역) ★★★★☆
어둠 속에 벨이 울릴때 (Play Misty for Me, 1971) ★★★★
평원의 무법자 (High Plains Drifter, 1972) ★★★
브리지 (Breezy, 1973)
아이거 빙벽 (The Eiger Sanction, 1975) ★★
무법자 조시 웰스 (The Outlaw Josey Wales, 1976) ★★★★
브론코 빌리 (Bronco Billy, 1980) ★★★
승리의 전쟁 (Heartbreak Ridge, 1986)
버드 (Bird, 1988) ★★★★
추악한 사냥꾼 (White Hunter, Black Heart, 1990) ★★★
용서받지 못한자 (Unforgiven, 1992) ★★★★
퍼펙트 월드 (A Perfect World, 1993) ★★★★☆
메디슨 카운티의 다리 (The Bridges of Madison County, 1995) ★★★★
앱솔루트 파워 (Absolute Power, 1997) ★★★
미드나잇 가든 (Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, 1997) ★★★☆
트루 크라임 (True Crime, 1999) ★★★★
스페이스 카우보이 (Space Cowboys, 2000) ★★★★
블러드 워크 (Blood Work, 2002) ★★★★
미스틱 리버 (Mystic River, 2003) ★★★
밀리언 달러 베이비 (Million Dollar Baby, 2004) ★★★★☆
이오지마에서 온 편지 (Letters from Iwo Jima, 2006)
아버지의 깃발 (Flags of Our Fathers, 2006)
승리의 전쟁 (Heartbreak Ridge, 1986)
버드 (Bird, 1988) ★★★★
용서받지 못한자 (Unforgiven, 1992) ★★★★
퍼펙트 월드 (A Perfect World, 1993) ★★★★☆
헨리에타의 별 (The Stars Fell on Henrietta, 1995)
블러드 워크 (Blood Work, 2002) ★★★★
미스틱 리버 (Mystic River, 2003) ★★★
밀리언 달러 베이비 (Million Dollar Baby, 2004) ★★★★☆
이오지마에서 온 편지 (Letters from Iwo Jima, 2006)
아버지의 깃발 (Flags of Our Fathers, 2006)
승리의 전쟁 (Heartbreak Ridge, 1986)
용서받지 못한자 (Unforgiven, 1992) ★★★★
앱솔루트 파워 (Absolute Power, 1997) ★★★
미스틱 리버 (Mystic River, 2003) ★★★
밀리언 달러 베이비 (Million Dollar Baby, 2004) ★★★★☆
[수상 경력]
*미국 아카데미 시상식
2005년 밀리언 달러 베이비 감독상 수상
*미국 아카데미 시상식
2005년 밀리언 달러 베이비 작품상 수상
*미국 아카데미 시상식
2005년 밀리언 달러 베이비 남우주연상 노미네이트
*골든 글로브 시상식
2005년 밀리언 달러 베이비 감독상 수상
*골든 글로브 시상식
2005년 밀리언 달러 베이비 음악상 노미네이트
*골든 글로브 시상식
2005년 밀리언 달러 베이비 작품상(드라마) 노미네이트
*미국 감독 조합상
2005년 밀리언 달러 베이비 감독상 수상
*시카고 영화평론가협회상
2005년 밀리언 달러 베이비 감독상 수상
*미국 아카데미 시상식
2004년 미스틱 리버 감독상 노미네이트
*미국 아카데미 시상식
2004년 미스틱 리버 작품상 노미네이트
*골든 글로브 시상식
2004년 미스틱 리버 작품상(드라마) 노미네이트
*골든 글로브 시상식
2004년 미스틱 리버 감독상 노미네이트
*세자르 영화제
2004년 미스틱 리버 외국어영화상 수상
*시애틀 국제 영화제
2004년 밀리언 달러 베이비 작품상 수상
*시애틀 국제 영화제
2004년 밀리언 달러 베이비 감독상 수상
*미국 감독 조합상
2004년 미스틱 리버 감독상 노미네이트
*뉴욕 영화평론가협회상
2004년 밀리언 달러 베이비 감독상 수상
*런던 영화평론가협회상
2004년 미스틱 리버 감독상 수상
*깐느 영화제
2003년 미스틱 리버 황금종려상 노미네이트
*전미 비평가 협회상
2003년 미스틱 리버 작품상 수상
*미국 배우 조합상
2003년 스페이스 카우보이 공로상 수상
*베니스 영화제
2000년 용서받지 못한자 공로상 수상
*전미 비평가 협회상
1999년 트루 크라임 공로상 수상
*세자르 영화제
1998년 앱솔루트 파워 공로상 수상
*골든 글로브 시상식
1996년 메디슨 카운티의 다리 작품상(드라마) 노미네이트
*세자르 영화제
1996년 메디슨 카운티의 다리 외국어영화상 노미네이트
*미국 아카데미 시상식
1995년 퍼펙트 월드 어빙 탤버그 상 수상
*미국 아카데미 시상식
1993년 용서받지 못한자 작품상 수상
*미국 아카데미 시상식
1993년 용서받지 못한자 감독상 수상
*미국 아카데미 시상식
1993년 용서받지 못한자 남우주연상 노미네이트
*골든 글로브 시상식
1993년 용서받지 못한자 감독상 수상
*골든 글로브 시상식
1993년 용서받지 못한자 작품상(드라마) 노미네이트
*영국 아카데미 시상식
1993년 용서받지 못한자 감독상 노미네이트
*영국 아카데미 시상식
1993년 용서받지 못한자 작품상 노미네이트
*미국 감독 조합상
1993년 용서받지 못한자 감독상 수상
*LA 영화평론가협회상
1992년 용서받지 못한자 남우주연상 수상
*LA 영화평론가협회상
1992년 용서받지 못한자 감독상 수상
*깐느 영화제
1990년 추악한 사냥꾼 황금종려상 노미네이트
*골든 글로브 시상식
1989년 버드 감독상 수상
*세자르 영화제
1989년 버드 외국어영화상 노미네이트
*골든 글로브 시상식
1988년 승리의 전쟁 세실 B. 드밀상 수상
*깐느 영화제
1988년 버드 황금종려상 노미네이트
*골든 글로브 시상식
1971년 더티 해리 남자인기상 수상
Clinton "Clint" Eastwood, Jr. (born May 31, 1930) is an American actor and filmmaker.
Eastwood is best known for his tough guy, anti-hero acting roles in western films, particularly in the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s. His performances as the laconic Man with No Name in Sergio Leone's "Dollars trilogy" of Spaghetti Westerns which include A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965) and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966), and as Inspector "Dirty" Harry Callahan in the Dirty Harry films have seen him become an enduring icon of masculinity. [1]
Eastwood has won five Academy Awards — twice each as Best Director and as producer of the Best Picture and the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award in 1995. He has also been nominated twice for Best Actor, for his performances in Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby. His recent films in particular, like Million Dollar Baby (2004) and Letters from Iwo Jima (2006), and also earlier films such as his Revisionist Western films such as High Plains Drifter (1973), The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976) and Unforgiven (1992) have all received a significant degree of critical acclaim.
Eastwood also has an interest in politics and was elected Mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea, California in which he served from 1986 to 1988.
Early life
Eastwood was born in San Francisco, California, to Clinton Eastwood, Sr., a steelworker and migratory worker, and his wife Margaret Ruth (Runner) Eastwood, a factory worker.[2][3] Eastwood has Scottish, English, Dutch and Irish ancestry.[4] He was raised in a "middle class Protestant home"[5] and moved often as his father worked at a variety of jobs along the West Coast.[6] The family settled in Piedmont, California during Eastwood's teens, and he graduated from Oakland Technical High School in 1949. Eastwood then worked as a gas station attendant, as a firefighter, and played ragtime piano at a bar in Oakland.[7] In 1950, during the Korean War, was drafted into the Army, and was aboard a military flight that crashed into the Pacific Ocean north of San Francisco. He escaped serious injury, but had to remain behind to testify at a hearing investigating the cause of the crash. This kept him from being shipped to Korea with the rest of his unit.[8] During his military service, Eastwood became friends with fellow soldiers and future actors Martin Milner and David Janssen.
Film career
Eastwood first entered the film industry in the mid-1950s, and began work as an actor with brief appearances in B-films such as Revenge of the Creature, Tarantula and Francis in the Navy. His break as an actor came in 1958 when he took on the role of Rowdy Yates in the TV series Rawhide. As Rowdy Yates (whom Eastwood described as "the idiot of the plains" in private[9]), he became a household name across the United States and appeared throughout its seven year run from the first broadcast in January 1959. While appearing in the series Eastwood would star in several films, including his first starring role in a feature film, Ambush at Cimarron Pass, which he has dismissed as "probably the lousiest Western ever made."[citation needed] In 1959, he fist fought James Garner in the "Duel at Sundown" episode of the western comedy television series Maverick. He then, whilst appearing in Rawhide, didn't appear in a film until one day he was contacted by Italian auteur Sergio Leone.
An executive had spotted Eastwood on the series Rawhide in the early 1960s and thought he looked like a cowboy, and at 6 ft 2 inches (193cm) (during his younger years) was a strong physical presence on set. Eastwood was called upon to audition for Leone's picture A Fistful of Dollars (1964), but Eastwood was not the first actor who was approached to play the main character. Originally, the director Sergio Leone intended Henry Fonda to play the role of the "Man With No Name".[10] However, the production company could not afford to engage a major Hollywood star. Hereupon, Leone offered Charles Bronson the part who, in turn, declined the role arguing the script was too bad. Both Fonda and Bronson would later star in Leone's Once Upon a Time in the West (1968). Other actors who turned the role down were Ty Hardin[11] and James Coburn.[12] Leone then turned his attentions towards Richard Harrison, who had recently starred in the very first Italian western, Gunfight at Red Sands (Duello nel Texas). Harrison, however, had not been impressed with his experience on his previous film, and refused. The producers later established a list of available, lesser-known American actors, and asked Harrison for advice. Harrison suggested Clint Eastwood, who he knew could play a cowboy convincingly. Harrison later stated:
"Maybe my greatest contribution to cinema was not doing Fistful of Dollars, and recommending Clint for the part".[13]
The film was to be shot in Spain, and although it wasn't the first western shot in such manner and the film itself was evidently a tribute to Akira Kurosawa's Yojimbo (1961), the film would become a benchmark in the Spaghetti Western genre that evolved from the mid 1960s. Eastwood was instrumental in creating the Man With No Name character's distinctive visual style that would appear in the Dollars trilogy that followed. He bought the black jeans from a sport shop on Hollywood Boulevard, the hat came from a Santa Monica wardrobe firm and the trademark black cigars came from a Beverly Hills store, although Eastwood himself is a non-smoker. Because A Fistful of Dollars was an Italian/German/Spanish co-production, there was a significant language barrier on the set. Sergio Leone did not speak English, and Eastwood communicated with the Italian cast and crew which also included prominent actor Gian Maria Volontè mostly through stuntman Benito Stefanelli, who also acted as an unofficial interpreter for the production and would later appear in Leone's other pictures. Leone reportedly took to Eastwood's distinctive style soon, and in Italian commented that "I like Clint Eastwood because he has only two facial expressions: one with the hat, and one without it".[14]
Leone would hire Eastwood to appear in his trilogy of westerns following on with For a Few Dollars More / Per qualche dollaro in più (1965), and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly / Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo (1966) many of which included the same actors. Leone used his innovative style to depict a wilder, more lawless and desolate world than traditional westerns. All three films were hits, particularly the third, and Eastwood became a star, redefining the traditional image of the American cowboy, though his character was actually a gunslinger and bounty hunter rather than a traditional hero.
Stardom brought more roles in the "tough guy" mold. In 1968's Where Eagles Dare, he had second billing to Richard Burton, but was paid $800,000. In the same year, he starred in Don Siegel's Coogan's Bluff, in which he played a lonely deputy sheriff who came to the big city of New York to enforce the law in his own way. The film was controversial for its straightforward portrayal of violence, but it launched a more than ten-year collaboration between Eastwood and Siegel, and set the prototype for the macho cop hero that Eastwood would play in the Dirty Harry films.
In 1969, Eastwood began to branch out. Paint Your Wagon was a musical starring Eastwood and top-billing fellow non-singer Lee Marvin.
In 1970, Eastwood appeared in the war movie, Kelly's Heroes, and in the Siegel-directed western, Two Mules for Sister Sara, co-starring Shirley MacLaine. Both movies combined tough-guy action with offbeat humor. In The Beguiled, another movie directed by Siegel, Eastwood played a cad — as close to an outright villain as he has played.
1971 proved to be a professional turning point in Eastwood's career. His own production company, Malpaso, gave Eastwood the artistic control that he desired, allowing him to direct and star in the thriller, Play Misty for Me. But it was his portrayal of the hard-edged police inspector Harry Callahan in Dirty Harry that propelled Siegel's most successful movie at the box-office. Dirty Harry is arguably Eastwood's most memorable character. The film has been credited with inventing the "loose-cannon cop genre" that is imitated to this day. Eastwood's tough, no-nonsense cop touched a cultural nerve with many who were fed up with crime in the streets. Dirty Harry led to four sequels: Magnum Force (1973), The Enforcer (1976), Sudden Impact (1983), and The Dead Pool (1988).
Eastwood directed two allegorical westerns during the 1970s: High Plains Drifter (1973) and The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976). Josey Wales would be the first of six movies he starred in with his then-girlfriend Sondra Locke.
Breezy (1973) was the first film directed by Eastwood in which he did not also appear. It starred William Holden.
In 1974, Eastwood teamed with a young Jeff Bridges in Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. The movie was written and directed by Michael Cimino, who had previously written the Dirty Harry sequel Magnum Force.
In 1975, Eastwood brought another talent to the screen: rock climbing. In The Eiger Sanction, which he directed and in which he starred, Eastwood — a 5.9 climber — performed his own rock climbing stunts.[citation needed] This film has become a cult classic among rock-climbers.[citation needed] This film was done before the advent of CGI, so no digital manipulation was used in the film.[citation needed]
In 1977, Eastwood starred in The Gauntlet, in which he played a down and out cop assigned to escort a prostitute from Las Vegas to Phoenix to testify against the mob.
In 1978, he starred in Every Which Way But Loose in an uncharacteristic and offbeat comedy role. Eastwood played Philo Beddoe, a trucker and brawler who roamed the American West, searching for a lost love, while accompanying his best friend/manager Orville and his pet orangutan, Clyde. Arguably, Clyde stole the show. Panned by critics, the movie was a box office success, and it spawned the 1980 sequel, Any Which Way You Can. Between these two flicks, he played the main attraction in a traveling circus show in Bronco Billy, which sparked collaboration between country music star Merle Haggard and Eastwood on the song "Bar Room Buddies." The song became a hit on country music stations. (Haggard also appeared in the movie).
In 1979, Eastwood played yet another memorable role as the prison escapee Frank Morris in the fact-based movie Escape from Alcatraz, which was also his last collaboration with Don Siegel. Morris was an escape artist who was sent to Alcatraz in 1960, which was, at the time, one of the toughest prisons in America. Morris devised a meticulous plan to escape from "The Rock" and, in 1962, he and two other prisoners broke out of the prison and entered San Francisco Bay. They were never seen again, and although the FBI believes that the escapees drowned, to this day their actual fate is unknown.
In 1982 Eastwood directed, produced, and starred in the Cold War-themed Firefox. The fourth Dirty Harry film Sudden Impact (1983) made Eastwood a viable star for the 1980s.[citation needed] President Ronald Reagan referenced his famous "Go ahead, make my day." line in one of his speeches. In Tightrope (1984) Eastwood starred as Capt. Wes Block set in New Orleans.
Eastwood revisited the western genre directing and starring in Pale Rider (1985), a homage to the western film classic Shane, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. His fifth and final Dirty Harry film, The Dead Pool (1988), was a success overall, but it lacked the box office punch his previous films had achieved. Eastwood alternated between more mainstream comedic films (if not particularly successful), such as Pink Cadillac and The Rookie (1990), and more personal projects, such as directing Bird (1988), a biopic of Charlie "Bird" Parker which gave him the nomination for the Golden Palm in the Cannes Film Festival. He also directed and starred, as an ersatz John Huston, in White Hunter, Black Heart (1990), an uneven adaptation of Peter Viertel's roman à clef about the making of the classic The African Queen. The film received some critical acclaim, although Katharine Hepburn contested the veracity of much of the material.
Eastwood rose to prominence yet again in the early 1990s. He revisited the western genre one final time in the self-directed 1992 film, Unforgiven, taking on the role of an aging ex-gunfighter long past his prime. The film, also starring such esteemed actors as Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, and Richard Harris, laid the groundwork for such later westerns as Deadwood by re-envisioning established genre conventions in a more ambiguous and unromantic light. A great success both in terms of box office and critical acclaim, it was nominated for nine Oscars, including Best Actor for Eastwood and Best Original Screenplay for David Webb Peoples. It won four, including Best Picture and Best Director for Eastwood.
The following year, Eastwood played a guilt-ridden Secret Service agent in the thriller In the Line of Fire (1993) directed by Wolfgang Petersen. This film was a blockbuster and among the top 10 box-office performers in that year. Eastwood directed and starred with Kevin Costner in A Perfect World the same year. He continued to expand his repertoire by playing opposite Meryl Streep in the love story The Bridges of Madison County (1995). Based on a best-selling novel, it was also a hit at the box-office. Afterward, Eastwood turned to more directing work — much of it well received — including Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997). He directed and starred in Absolute Power (1997), a political thriller co-starring Gene Hackman, Ed Harris, and Dennis Haysbert.
In 2002, Eastwood played an ex-FBI agent on the track of a sadistic killer in Blood Work, which was derived from a book by Michael Connelly. In 2003 he directed Mystic River for which he garnered a Best Director nomination. In Space Cowboys, which also starred Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, James Garner, and James Cromwell, he plays Frank Corvin, a retired NASA engineer called upon to save a dying Russian satellite. He found critical acclaim with Million Dollar Baby in 2004, winning 4 Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director, and Eastwood was nominated for Best Actor (the award went to Jamie Foxx). In 2006, he directed two movies about the battle of Iwo Jima in World War II. The first one, Flags of Our Fathers, focused on the men who raised the American Flag on top of Mount Suribachi. The second one, Letters from Iwo Jima, dealt with the tactics of the Japanese soldiers on the island and the letters they wrote to family members. Both films were highly praised by critics and garnered several Oscar Nominations, including Best Director and Picture for Letters from Iwo Jima. Eastwood will return to the screen for his film Gran Torino in which he will play the lead role of Walt Kowalski, who tries to change the ways of his teenager neighbor after noticing he tried to steal his prize winning 1972 Gran Torino. The film has been scheduled for a December 2008 release.
Eastwood has his own Warner Bros. Records-distributed imprint, Malpaso Records, as part of his deal with Warner Bros. This deal was unchanged when Warner Music Group was sold by Time Warner to private investors. Malpaso has released all of the scores of Eastwood's films from The Bridges of Madison County onward. It also released the album of a 1996 jazz concert he hosted, titled Eastwood after Hours — Live at Carnegie Hall.
Eastwood has redefined himself as a director and has generally received greater critical acclaim for his directing than he ever did for his acting. His directorial debut occurred with Play Misty For Me in 1971. He had tried for some time to direct an episode of Rawhide, even being promised at one point the possibility of doing so. However, because of differences between the president of the studio and show producers, Eastwood's opportunity fell through.[citation needed] Eastwood has become known for directing high-quality but bleak dramas such as Unforgiven, A Perfect World, Mystic River, Million Dollar Baby, Flags of Our Fathers, and Letters from Iwo Jima. However, he has chosen a wide variety of films to direct, some clearly commercial, others highly personal.
Eastwood produces many of his movies, and is well known in the industry for his efficient, low-cost approach to making films. Over the years, he has developed relationships with many other filmmakers, working over and over with the same crew, production designers, cinematographers, editors and other technical people. Similarly, he has a long-term relationship with the Warner Bros. studio, which finances and releases most of his films. However, in a 2004 interview appearing in The New York Times, Eastwood noted that he still sometimes has difficulty convincing the studio to back his films. In more recent years, Eastwood also has begun composing music for some of his films.[citation needed]
Eastwood completed in December 2007 directing Universal Pictures' Changeling, a period thriller from noted writer J. Michael Straczynski and producers Ron Howard and Brian Grazer. Angelina Jolie is starring in the film, with a fall 2008 release date.[15]
He is rumored to be directing the Nelson Mandela bio-pic The Human Factor, with Morgan Freeman playing Mandela.[citation needed] No confirmation has been released to date. Eastwood and Warner Bros. have purchased the movie rights to James Hansen's First Man, the authorized biography of astronaut Neil Armstrong. No production date has been announced. Eastwood recently announced that he has all but retired from acting, although maintains that "if a good western script turns up, you never know..."[citation needed]
Clint Eastwood has been announced as director and star of the upcoming Warner Brothers film, "Gran Torino".[16]
He currently donates funds toward the new CSUMB campus library. In early 2007, Eastwood announced that he will produce a Bruce Ricker documentary about jazz legend Dave Brubeck. The film is tentatively titled Dave Brubeck – In His Own Sweet Way. It will trace the development of Brubeck's latest composition, the Cannery Row Suite. This work was commissioned by the Monterey Jazz Festival and premiered at the 2006 festival. Eastwood's film crews captured early rehearsals, sound checks and the final performance. Ricker and Eastwood are currently working on a documentary about Tony Bennett, as well, titled The Music Never Ends.[17]
Eastwood has had a total of ten nominations for the Academy Awards for Best Director and Best Picture, winning in both categories for Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby. His other nominations were for Mystic River and Letters from Iwo Jima. He was also unsuccessfully nominated twice for Best Actor (Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby). He is one of two people to have been twice nominated for Best Actor and Best Director for the same film (Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby) the other being Warren Beatty (Heaven Can Wait and Reds).
He is one of only three living directors (along with Miloš Forman and Francis Ford Coppola) to have directed two Best Picture winners. At age 74, he was the oldest director to achieve this distinction. He directed two actors, Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, in Academy Award winning roles as Best Supporting Actor in consecutive years. Robbins won in 2003 for Mystic River while Freeman won in 2004 for his role in Million Dollar Baby. He also directed Sean Penn in his Academy Award winning role as Best Actor in Mystic River, as well as Hilary Swank in her second win for Best Actress in Million Dollar Baby and Gene Hackman in Unforgiven.
Eastwood has received numerous other awards, including an America Now TV Award as well as one of the 2000 Kennedy Center Honors. He received an honorary degree from University of the Pacific in 2006, and an honorary degree from University of Southern California in 2007. In 1995 he received the honorary Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award for lifetime achievement in film producing.[18] In 2006, he received a nomination for a Grammy Award in the category of Best Score Soundtrack Album For Motion Picture, Television or Other Visual Media for Million Dollar Baby. In 2007, Eastwood was the first recipient of the Jack Valenti Humanitarian Award, an annual award presented by the MPAA to individuals in the motion picture industry whose work has reached out positively and respectfully to the world. He received the award for his work on the 2006 films Flags of Our Fathers and the Academy Award-Winning Letters from Iwo Jima.[19]
On December 6, 2006, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver inducted Clint Eastwood into the California Hall of Fame located at The California Museum for History, Women, and the Arts.
In early 2007, Eastwood was presented with the highest civilian distinction in France, Légion d'honneur, at a ceremony in Paris. French President Jacques Chirac told Eastwood that he embodied "the best of Hollywood".[20]
On September 22, 2007, Clint Eastwood was awarded an honorary Doctor of Music degree from the Berklee College of Music at the Monterey Jazz Festival, on which he serves as an active board member. Upon receiving the award he gave a speech, claiming, "It's one of the great honors I’ll cherish in this lifetime." [21] He was also honored with the "Cinema for Peace Award 2007 for Most Valuable Movie of the Year" for "Flags of our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima".
Eastwood made one successful foray into elected politics, becoming the Mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea, California (usually abbreviated to Carmel; population 4,000), a wealthy small town and artist community on the Monterey Peninsula, for one term. Frustrated with what he perceived to be the bureaucracy in Carmel's politics, he ran a last-minute, small-scale campaign emphasizing better relations between the business and residential communities. on election day, April 8, 1986, with double the usual voter turnout, Eastwood obtained 72.5% of the vote and was elected to a position that paid $200 per month. During his tenure, he tried to weigh the rights of preservationists against development of the town for local business. Eastwood decided not to run for a second term owing to the number of trivial decisions required of the mayor in such a small town. During his tenure, he completed Heartbreak Ridge and Bird.[22]
Although Eastwood has been registered as a Republican since 1951 and supported Richard Nixon's 1968 presidential campaign, he describes himself as a libertarian. He says his philosophy is "Everyone leaves everyone else alone".[23] He voted for Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor of California in the 2003 recall election, and again in 2006.
In 2001 he was appointed to the California State Park and Recreation Commission, by Gray Davis.[24] He was reappointed in 2004 by Schwarzenegger.[25]
Eastwood, the vice chairman of the commission, and commission chairman, Bobby Shriver, Schwarzenegger's brother-in-law, led a California State Park and Recreation Commission panel in its unanimous opposition in 2005 to a six-lane, 16-mile (26 km), toll road that would cut through San onofre State Beach, north of San Diego, and one of Southern California's most cherished surfing beaches. Eastwood and Shriver also supported a 2006 lawsuit to block the toll road and urged the California Coastal Commission to reject the project, which it did in February 2008.[26]
In March 2008 Eastwood and Shriver, whose terms had expired, were not reappointed.[26] The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) ask for a legislative investigation into the decision to not re-appoint Eastwood and Shriver, citing their opposition to the toll road extension.[27] According to the NRDC and The New Republic, Eastwood and Shriver were not reappointed again in 2008 because both Eastwood and Shriver opposed the freeway extension of California State Route 241, that would cut through the San onofre State Beach.[28][29] An extension that Governor Schwarzenegger supports.[28][29] Governor Schwarzenegger press release appointing Alice Huffman and Lindy DeKoven to replace Eastwood and Shriver makes no mention of a reason for the commission change.[30][31]
Governor Schwarzenegger appointed Eastwood (along with actor and director Danny DeVito, actor and director Bill Duke, producer Tom Werner and producer and director Lili Zanuck) to the California Film Commission in April 2004.[32]
Personal life
Eastwood has been married twice and has five daughters and two sons by five different women. He married college sweetheart Maggie Johnson on December 14, 1953. In the early 1960s, Eastwood began a secret affair with Roxanne Tunis, an extra on Rawhide which produced a daughter, Kimber, born on June 17, 1964. Over the years, Eastwood financially supported Kimber and her mother and would secretly visit them every 3–4 months. Kimber's existence was not made public until 1989. She is now a makeup artist and part time actress. She had a small role in her father's film, Absolute Power.
Clint and Maggie went on to have two children, Kyle Eastwood (born May 19, 1968) and Alison Eastwood, (born May 22, 1972). According to the unauthorized biography, Clint: The Life and Legend, Eastwood cheated with many lovers and was never faithful during their marriage. According to the couple's friends, Johnson preferred to stay in the dark, never suspecting her husband of cheating. They split in 1978 when Johnson became aware that he had been carrying on a long-term affair with Sondra Locke. Clint was ordered to pay Maggie $25 million, $1 million for each year they were married. Though they had filed for a legal separation in 1978, their divorced was not finalized until November 1984.
Eastwood and Sondra Locke originally met at an audition in 1972 and began their romance in 1975. They made six films together: The Outlaw Josey Wales, The Gauntlet, Every Which Way but Loose, Bronco Billy, Any Which Way You Can, and Sudden Impact. They lived together for 14 years before their bitter split in 1989. Locke claimed that Eastwood changed the locks on their home and put all of her belongings in storage. She also claimed that he persuaded her to have two abortions as well as tubal ligation. Eastwood has adamently denied the allegations. His reputation was damaged again when it was discovered he fathered two children, Scott Reeves Eastwood (b. March 21, 1986) and Kathryn Eastwood (b. Feb. 2, 1988), with airline hostess Jacelyn Reeves while he was still involved with Locke. She filed a palimony suit against him asking for $1.3 million. In 1990, they reached an amicable agreement that consisted of Eastwood giving her a directing deal with Warner Bros., but the studio never produced her proposed films nor hired her to direct. In 1996, they were back in court with Locke filing another lawsuit, this time against Warner Bros., alleging that the company had never intended to make any films with her, and that Eastwood had compensated Warner Bros. for the contract. In 1997, Locke published an autobiography The Good, the Bad, and the Very Ugly that included a harrowing account of her years with Eastwood. In 1999, they settled out of court for a reportedly large settlement, details of which were not publicly disclosed.
In 1988, Eastwood began an affair with Pink Cadillac costar Frances Fisher. They went public with their romance in early 1990 and co-starred together in the blockbuster Unforgiven. They had a daughter, Francesca Fisher-Eastwood, born on August 7, 1993. Their relationship ended in 1995, but they remained friends and have since costarred in another film, True Crime.
Eastwood met current wife Dina Ruiz Eastwood, an anchorwoman, when she interviewed him in 1993. They became good friends, though both have said that they didn't begin dating until 1995. They married on March 31, 1996. Their daughter, Morgan Eastwood, was born on December 12, 1996. Dina maintains a friendly relationship with all of her husband's children and their mothers, and often brings the whole family together at their ranch.
Eastwood remains a popular sex symbol. He once said, "I like to joke that since my children weren’t giving me any grandchildren, I had two of my own. It’s a terrific feeling being a dad again at my age. I am very fortunate. I realize how unfair a thing it is that men can have children at a much older age than women."[33]He now has two grandchildren, Clinton (born 1984) and Graylen (born 1994) of Kimber and Kyle, respectively.
Eastwood owns the exclusive Tehàma Golf Club, located in Carmel within Monterey County. The invitation-only club reportedly has around 300 members and a joining price of $500,000. He is a co-owner of the world famous Pebble Beach Golf Club[34]. Eastwood is also the owner of the Mission Ranch Hotel and Restaurant, located in Carmel. He is an experienced pilot and sometimes flies his own helicopter to the studio to avoid traffic.
Eastwood is an audiophile, known for his love of jazz. He owns an extensive collection of LPs which he plays on a Rockport turntable. His interest in music was passed on to his son Kyle, now a jazz musician. Eastwood co-wrote "Why should I care" with Linda Thompson and Carole Bayer Sager which was recorded by Diana Krall.[35] He is a longtime animal rights activist and maintains a vegan diet "heavy on fruit, vegetables, tofu, and other soy products."[36] Despite starring in 'shoot 'em up' films, he has voiced criticism of hunters, saying, "I don't go for hunting. I just don't like killing creatures. Unless they're trying to kill me. Then that would be fine."[37] People who have had an opportunity to meet or deal with Eastwood generally say that he is a genuinely nice person, usually reserved and quiet. He loves to golf and donates his time every year to charitable causes at major tournaments.
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